And we also had to spend some time identifying a little snake the Dinosaur found hiding in an overturned bucket. This process was a bit amusing because we were each looking at different guidebooks and one book called this snake a California Whipsnake and the other called it a Striped Racer. We went back and forth for a minute, pointing out markings until Dino finally asked what the Latin name in my book was. Oh. Same Latin name. Same species. Since whipsnakes seem to be a subset of racers, we'll go with Striped Racer. Supposedly, these snakes are very quick and aggressive, but this particular individual must have been very sleepy from having just woke up from his or her winter nap and stayed in the bucket very pleasantly posing.
1 comment:
I’ve always called these guys Garter Snakes. One characteristic they have is the ability to make your hands really stinky if you handle them. Rattlers do the same, but I don’t handle them, just sniff around when they’re near. Black Widow spiders also smell musty, as do their webs.
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