Monday, April 22, 2013

Wildflowers that Walk on the Darker Side

Usually one would think of wildflower pictures as pretty and springlike.  Sometimes, the image doesn't call for that.  Or possibly the photographer has noticed current events, and the play of light and dark changes.

Purple Milkweed

Backlit Common Madia

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Yours Truly and Her Very Own Website

I've been thinking about doing this for a while and finally wedged enough time into the weekends and evenings to get it finished.  I've put up my favorite images as well as some silk scarves that I designed and had digitally printed.

The site is:

I'm sorting through quite a few wildflower pics - even though it's been a dreadfully dry winter, some sturdy flowers are popping up.  I'll post some of those soon, but in the meantime, enjoy these Wild Pea Leaves (sorry don't know the species, as there are no flowers yet).  Taken with my Lensbaby, after a lovely spring rainfall.

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